
The Project

Since the overall objective of ImpactMin is to develop new methods and a toolset for impact monitoring of mining operations using Earth Observations and in-situ data, it points towards a future wherein decision making is based on coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth Observation and information, which is the main objective of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Moreover, in the implementation of GEOSS, increased sharing of methods for modeling and analysis is essential to transform data into useful products will be advocated. ImpactMin will address the need of the provision of timely data and products for policy makers, thereby harmonising observations, real- or near real-time monitoring, integration of information from in situ and airborne and satellite observation through data assimilation and models.

Project Coordinator: Mr. Peter Gyuris, Geonardo Ltd

Project Officer: Dr. Efthimios ZAGORIANAKOS, European Commission