
Work Structure

WP1 Coordination
Development, calibration and demonstration of tools and services
WP6 Tools and Services
1. Compendium of methods and tools
2. Full scale UAV system for aerial EO-based environmental monitoring
3. Report on the contribution of relevant GEO tasks and GEOSS components
WP7 Demonstration site implementation
1. Demo site implementation plan Kristineberg - restricted
2. Demo site implementation plan Mostar Valley - restricted
3. Demo site implementation plan Rosia Montan - restricted
4. Demo site implementation plan Chelyabinsk - Orenburg region - restricted
5. Report on the Kristineberg Case study investigations - public
6. Report on the Mostar region Case study investigations - public
7. Report on the Rosia Montana Case study investigations - public
8. Report on the Chelyabinsk - Orenburg case study investigations - public
9. Comparative case study assessment - best practice tools and methods implementation
Commercial exploitation of results
WP8 Dissemination
1. Project Brochure - public
2. FINAL Newsletter - public
3. Popular Science Publications - public
4. Research Road Map - definition of short, medium and long term research priorities for EO-supported environmental monitoring of mineral exploitation activities - restricted
WP9 Training